Along with our efforts in test kits and harm reduction products, over the years, Transparency and The Bunk Police have been forging change through significant journalistic endeavors to expose the dangers of the drug crisis in a variety of spaces.
As a response to this lack of clarity in our culture and beyond, we have created the Transparency Documatrix—a series of short documentaries shedding light on the interconnected nature of our public health failure, various legal and regulation issues, and widespread drug adulteration across the black market, gray market, and clear market.
Our first episode, titled Poison Pills, showcases the story of our team traveling to Mexico to investigate laced pharmaceuticals in licensed Mexican pharmacies. Poison Pills includes our undercover footage of these shady interactions on our hidden cameras—such as blatant threats like, “they’ll cut your head off,” advice from a “pharmacist” on how to microwave and snort ketamine, and offers to purchase 10,000 pills or more—along with never-before-seen interviews from industry experts and government officials, as well as our staggering results after purchasing and testing these counterfeit pills.

Want to see more?
We are interested in creating a multitude of other episodes. Our next episode is hugely impactful, with a topic affecting around 25% of the American population every year.
If you want to see more of this Documatrix, and support our work in the journalistic space, consider contributing to our effort, or reach out for more info!
Reach Out for More InfoPoison Pills was made possible thanks to the following team:
Adam Auctor: Executive Producer, Director
Kyle Peters: Associate Producer, Videographer
Tyge Moeller: Lead Video Editor, Story Editor
Tyler Armstrong: Videographer, Investigator
Deborah Bonello: Interviewer, Fixer
Ben Westhoff: Lead Story Editor, Scriptwriter, Video Editor
Rachel Nguyen: Story Editor, Scriptwriter
Molly McLaughlin: Animation