Our Story

Over a Decade of Test Kit Innovation & Outreach Brings Us to Transparency

The evolution of 13 years of ambition and experience in the harm reduction space—Transparency is the next step in our effort to save lives. Beginning humbly as a one-man operation and growing into a globally-spanning team, The Bunk Police was the first iteration of our harm reduction initiative. Now, we have bloomed into Transparency—an inspired force that plans to expand further, into every corner the drug crisis has reached. 

As a renegade organization supporting the community for the last 13 years, The Bunk Police has been on a nonstop, self-funded mission to lower overdose and drug-related fatalities across the nation. Since 2011, The Bunk Police have been conducting research and working tirelessly to minimize risk in the drug space, and embed crucial harm reduction initiatives into mainstream culture. Through diligent work and dedication, our talented, globally-operating team has pushed the movement forward from all angles. 

Over the last decade, here’s a bit of what we’ve accomplished as The Bunk Police

  • Researched and manufactured accurate, affordable test kits for almost every known substance, established testing recommendations for each, and created detailed Spectrum Color Guides with each kit
  • Supported the largest music festivals across the United States by providing test kits, education, and testing help 
  • Created an advanced database of over 1,100 lab-verified substance reaction videos for accurate analysis during testing  
  • Reached tens of thousands of individuals through awareness and education initiatives on our Social Media profiles 
  • Released What’s In My Baggie, a documentary about the dangers of adulteration, and the misconceptions about drugs in the music festival scene
  • Established a nation-spanning Street Team to permeate local communities